Physics department rebrand
Create a new, versatile logo & an environmental design proposal for the Physics Department that encompasses their Physics, Teaching, and new General Engineering areas of focus and encourages more diversity in STEM disciplines.
1 Semester \ April 25th, 2021
ClientWinona State Physics & General Engineering Department
Illustrator, Vinyl Wall Application
Made in collaboration with Megan McCormick.

IOP LIMIT LESS | Challenging Stereotypes
“Dominant educational and social representations of science are still overwhelmingly ‘masculine’ and focused on ‘cleverness’.”
“Physics teaches young people to understand and solve complex problems. . . There are no limits to what can be achieved with physics.”
What comes to mind when people are asked to think of a physicist?
“For many, the answer is a lab coat-wearing professor in front of a blackboard working on a mind-boggling equation. For others, it’s an eccentric loner, effortlessly solving problems while suffering from a lack of social skills.”
National Science And Technology Council September 2021
1. Cultivate partnerships and collaborations
2. Engage Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) as equal partners with Federal agencies
3. Provide authentic and culturally relevant STEM engagement and research experiences for youth and interns
4. Develop and retain promising personnel through effective mentorship
5. Conduct targeted outreach through clubs, conferences, and organizations.
research outcome
Concentration on:
1. Limitless career opportunities
2. Contribution that physics makes to our society
3. Standards
Challenging stereotypes and biases
Supporting & reaching underrepresented groups
Actively dismantling barriers
Practical Application:
Color Blindness
Low Vision Consideration
Material Honesty (Buttons & Symbols)
WCAG: Digital Annotation of Visual Material
3. Providing equal access and opportunity
4. Representation of Underrepresented Groups
People of Color & Minorities
logo exploration


Our visual identity proposal highlights the community of explorers with a clean logomark of a magnifying glass with a ring around it, posing as the dot in Physics, streaking down like a shooting star. The primary logo is text-heavy, and offers good visibility in small scale as well as working and reading well in one flat value. The logomark speaks to exploration and inquiry- two important skill sets in both Physics & Engineering, as well as touching on the exploratory and questioning nature of physics.